Tuesday, June 8, 2010

making progress

Well I'm making progress! Turned in 2 assignments and working on the last one - it's due tomorrow. I know if I can just get through Thursday without being too behind on my reading I will be good. I'm going to try and participate with the quiz review tomorrow night. I'm getting better at using the computer and getting the assignments at least somewhat to where they are suppose to be. I just need to not panic when something doesn't do what I want it to - or when I can't find something that I know I saved. I am not getting as frustrated now either - but I don't know if that's because I am more relaxed or because I am beyond tired. It's not that I am staying up late - but the animals are waking me several times during the night and I just need a good solid 5 hours and I'll be fine. Last night the cat threw up twice! the second time on the bed between my husband and I and once the dog dug his nails into my backside - guess he was trying to move or dreaming of running somewhere and then after all that - the other dog decided she wanted out. Of course my husband slept through everything but the cat throwing up on the bed! Then I finally fall into a deep sleep and the alarm went off. I almost cried. Well I took a break, wrote in my blog and went and got some frozen yogurt and am now ready to tackle the next assignment! Later!

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