Thursday, July 29, 2010

I got an A!!!!!!!

I can not believe I got an A in my 2600 class!!!! I am so happy about that - I would have been happy with a B but I am ecstatic with the A. I had to look and see if that was really my grade and my name on the page. So I got 2 A's in my 1st semester back to school after 28 years. I had help along the way but I learned a lot too. I forgot how much I enjoyed college and college classes - I wasn't over-joyed with the 2600 class but it did challenge me and pushed me to the limit and I forgot how good you feel after you accomplish something that you really had to work at to accomplish. However it will be wonderful to sleep in and not worry about doing an assignment. Tomorrow my vacation begins....I wish! My son is moving out on the 9th and my daughter is transferring to the St. College Gap and will be moving back in on the 18th - with her dog! So now we are having to hurry and put a bathroom in the basement so she can have her own entrance and a place for her dog to stay so we no one is home all the dogs are not together. She's just too big to be around our old dog & the little dog hates her dog. I am hoping after a few weeks that they will all get along. I will be good to have Brianna home and David only 3 hours away. He will home a great deal - almost every Penn State home game I'm sure. His bathroom in his apt is going to be all Penn State!
Well this Blog has been interesting and I am so glad I had it to vent to so I think I will keep it and use it for all my classes!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

what a day!

Well I drove home from NJ and drove right into a horrific storm that threw wind hail a torrential rain down upon me. There was a rest stop 2 miles from me when it hit and I crept along until I arrived at the rest stop. There were a lot of people there and the back up generator was lighting the place. The woman's restroom with very little light is a creepy place - let me tell you!!!! Then after the tunnel coming down the hill into Breezewood I ran into major fog!!!!! Made it home - to sunshine and nice temperatures.
Once home all the animals were thrilled to see me but then I found throw-up with blood and my cat does not look good - I am thinking tomorrow when I take her to the vets he is going to tell me I need to put her down. :(
Then the phone ran...apparently the same storm I went through continued on into NJ and blew lots of trees down and blew one onto my moms car! There is branch sticking out of the hood and a cracked windshield and everyone feels certain it will be totaled. What is really sad is that my mom drives our old car a Lincoln. We loved that car. There is no way she will get enough money to replace that car with a comparable one. So we will be putting money out for a car now too in addition to her house. So sad. What a day. At least I am home and can sleep in my own bed!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

July 22nd

Today is my mom's 74th birthday. My sister and I want to take her to dinner but she really doesn't want to go out tonight she wants to go out tomorrow to a bar that takes forever to cook your food!!! Should we wait and take her tomorrow? My sister's kids are coming and who wants to sit in a bar for 2 hours with a 4 & 6 year old?? Not me and not my sister. I'm paying and I say we go tonight to a place that isn't going to make us wait for our food but where mom can also get a beer! I'll call my other sister (the oldest) and let her make the decision!
All kinds of issues with my classes and assignments. Not only can't I get my computer assignment to upload my essay didn't upload correctly AGAIN and this time not only was the formatting incorrect but the footnotes didn't transfer over and I lost 3 points. I am so ticked. I worked hard on that essay and it wasn't easy to try and answer the question with the 3 books and tie it together so that it made sense and to not have the footnotes copy over really irks me. I think I had 12 footnotes too! I will try and get a complete copy of the essay to the prof and hope that the 3 points are given back. I need to figure out why my submissions aren't working the way they should. I am sure that all the computer problems I am having are all because of me and has nothing to do with anything with the computer. I am so frustrated and thinking I need to find a basic computer class to take or hire a young computer whizz to sit and teach me and help me with my assignments. Only problem is that I am so stubborn and want to prove the kids wrong and that I can do things for myself on the computer and I do know how to fix the dvd/vcr/tv/dvr/cable and I do know how to play a dvd on the tv without screwing up the entire entertainment system!!!! I mean after all I am the person they call at school when the dvd/tv's don't work and I have yet to not fix something!!!!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Well I'm in NJ to watch my nephews while my sister has surgery on her knee again. I love my nephews (4 & 6) but I am sure I will be exhausted by the end of the day. I am still trying to complete the computer assignment and am just about ready to give up! But I won't - I really want to get a B in the class. I am hoping the kids take a nap today and that my brother-in-law might be able to help me out some. He's a bit more computer savvy than I am but that really isn't saying much. Well I'm going to take the boys for a swim and then try and tackle the assignment again. If you are reading this say a prayer for me!

Saturday, July 17, 2010


Ok - so I am watching class right now and I am with Jeff - I have no idea how Kompozer works and I really have NO IDEA what Dr. Tomer is talking about. How are we suppose to know what to put in between the < >??? How do people know this stuff? Is there a basis computer class I should have taken???? I feel so old and out of touch listening to this class. And the part that to me is really horrific is the page he put up from the LIS 2005 class which we HAVE to take next semester which looks like a continuation of this 2600 class. Oh shit just keeps rolling in my head cause I struggled so much in this class and next semester looks to be just as challenging. I am so thankful I am doing so well in 2000 because if I were struggling in that class too I would quit the program right now. I know I have to overcome this mindblock where computer stuff is involved but I just do not get it. My mind just doesn't "compute". (pun intended) I really need to get back to watching this class so I can get into a full panic mode!!!!

It's HOT!!!

Oh - it is so hot outside that I really can't even think about going out into this heat. I am so happy that my trainer is away this weekend and I am not working out today. Yesterday David and I went to Towson, MD. We loaded up the truck with stuff for his new apt. and drove down and got the keys to his apt. We were soaked by the time we finished. We were dressed in shorts and t-shirts and sneakers. We then went to the Baltimore Cty School District offices were he signed his contract for the coming school year. We were starving by then and stopped at the restaurant around the corner which had been recommended. Well I guess the hostess thought we were not dressed correctly and sat us back in a corner on the side of the restaurant where no one else was! We didn't care we just wanted food but after we were finished it sort of ticked me off. It was $40 for the 2 of us and we both had water to drink which they charged us for!!! Damn good thing the meal was good! Then we drove home. VERY LONG day but we got things completed which needed to get done. He can now move the rest of his things when it's convenient and less hot!
So David is moving out - again and it looks as if Brianna might be moving back in (with her dog!!!) but who knows. Keeps life interesting!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


just submitted my essay - it took me all day to finish it because I was so not into it. I kept finding other things to do around the house or outside of the house and would leave the essay and come back an hour or so later. I did not mind writing the other papers but this one was not enjoyable. I think it was because I found the books we had to read a bit on the dry side. What I found interesting doing this paper was all the links I found on the internet to other info not necessarily related to the topic. I need to limit my time on links not relevant. At any rate it is finished and now tomorrow I WILL TRY AGAIN ON THE COMPUTER ASSIGNMENT. I am at this point just tired of being on a computer!!!! And of messing with that assignment. I will prevail! Going to bed now.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

I want to smash this computer!!!!

Well Dr. Tomer - I don't know if you read these blogs or not but right about now if I saw you I would harm you - kick your shin at the very least. I am SO frustrated with this computer assignment and I still have my paper to finish but I can't even think I am so damn mad. I'm mostly angry at myself because I can't figure it out!!!!! I feel stupid. I have done the damn thing 3 times and it seems like things are going well until I go to view it and then it says that it can't find it!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just want you to know that I tried - I really tried to do this assignment but it just isn't happening. I have followed all the suggestions given to me - I have stayed up until ungodly hours even though I had to get up early - I have ignored my husband and I have even gone and gotten a massage hoping that it would improve my "chi" but no such luck! I have called an ex-student and even he could not help me out this time. It's that last damn step - it's like losing weight - can't get that last 10 pounds off. Pisses you off and then it's 12 pounds you need to get off. Had to go today for blood work and if it comes back not good I am eating Oreos for breakfast!!!! Well I just had to take a phone call and have calmed a bit - at least until my husband gets home and asks me about the assignment!!!!! Until I need to rant again.......

Thursday, July 8, 2010

At Pitt!

Well I didn't think I would get to Pitt while it was still light out because it seems that people just don't know how to drive through the tunnel getting into Pittsburgh. For some reason people really slow down going into the tunnel (they almost stop completely). It is very annoying. At any rate I got here - checked into the hotel and ventured out to find the IS building for the study group. Well I found the IS building - about 2 blocks from the hotel but couldn't find one person in the building that belonged to cohort 10! Now granted I was late (about 4:45) but still????? Oh well I called a former student at BG and met up with him and we went and had dinner together. I told him I had to get my photo ID taken tomorrow but he said I could do that right then so that's what I did. I can now sleep in just a little later tomorrow morning. :)
So after dinner he looked at the next computer assignment and I am hoping that in class on Saturday they explain a few things about the assignment and that I don't have a hard time completing it! From my fingers to God's eyes! I studied tonight and now feel like I am going blind - everything is floating about in my head - I just hate taking tests - don't seem to do very well - over think or panic or something. I found a great radio station on the radio here in the room - don't want to go to sleep - just want to stay awake and listen - playing old songs (from my high school years) Have heard A LOT of old favorites. Gonna wake up to it tomorrow morning!
Love the campus here. Some beautiful building - and saw lots of rabbits too.
Well the computer is telling me it can't locate Blogger and that posting & saving this might not work! Oh great. Guess I'll end this now and see what happens! Here's hoping...........

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

oh no another quiz!

Oh no another quiz in my computer class is next week. I just looked at my grades and saw that I brought my grade up (after the last quiz took it down) to an 89 and now I have another quiz. Shit. My happiness was very short lived. Next week will be terrible with a paper due, a computer assignment and a quiz. UGH!!!! Just get through next week - just get through next week - just get through next week and things will be ok. I need to make that my mantra for this weekend. Oh wait 1st I have to go to Pitt meet everyone in the cohort and take a mid-term - THEN I need to get through next week. I think I can I think I can I think I can!!!! SAY SOME PRAYERS FOR ME!!!!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

July 6th

Well I would never have thought I would ever use Dabble again but I just did. It worked perfectly for what I wanted to do. I needed to get all of my mom's expenses that I have paid since 2007. I set up the fields and made the chart and printed it off and then I sent it to the lawyer! So now maybe we can finally get this taken care of and I can buy the house from my mom. I have been trying to buy her house since the beginning of 2008. I need to get this done so if she should ever end up in a home they can't take her house which is the only thing she has worth anything. I don't know why she doesn't want to move but..... Now the next step will be to get my nephew to start paying something for rent! Anyway Dabble was perfect.....go figure. Wonder what else I can use that I have been taught????
Getting ready to go to Pitt this weekend. I have the hotel room booked and am ready to meet everyone else. I am working on my last essay - this one is a little more difficult to write but it's going. The weather has been so hot that I never want to leave my house and the air-conditioning so I am getting a lot done in the house and with my class work. Was even able to finish a book that was for enjoyment and not for class!
Just need to get my daughter closer to home and things will be perfect.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

another great morning

Another great cool morning with the sun streaming in and tennis on TV. I am sitting on the couch watching Wimbledon & catching up with my son on what is going on in his world. He is getting ready to start a summer job for the IU in Reading - and then starting in August working in MD at Parkville High School. It will be wonderful to have him making money again!!! Need to watch my classes and work on the Koha assignment today and tomorrow and I hope to have everything done by tomorrow afternoon but I have a feeling that the Koha assignment might take some time especially since the last time I was in there trying to figure things out I kept getting the message that there was no info on the subject I was searching. Hope with my son home I can figure it out.

The new store GAP was going to open in Boston that my daughter was to work out is not happening now - so maybe she will move closer to home now - that would be great. She's looking at Pittsburgh so that would work too. I think she would like living in Pittsburgh. I guess whatever is to happen will happen. Just want my kids to be happy and able to live on their own.

Going in to NJ in 3 weeks to help my sister out since she is going in for her 2nd knee surgery. I love her kids but know I will be exhausted running around after a 6 year old and a 4 year old all day. It's the 4 year old that will run me into the ground! But it will be nice being around them for a week.
