Sunday, June 13, 2010

finished taking the quiz!

Dear God in Heaven that was awful! I felt like I studied all the wrong things. We spent so much time on Windows and Macintosh I thought there would be a question about that. Some of my answers felt like they were the same. Well I am glad it is over and we only have one more quiz. I think I am understanding what is being discussed in class for the most part but then when a question is presented to me I am totally blank. I sat there for awhile just looking at the questions. And when it comes to the LETTERS - they all are similar and it feels like my head will explode. It's done and submitted and I really didn't keep track of the time. Are we suppose to do that or is it done automatically??? Maybe now I can sleep tonight! I'm going to go get a pedicure now because I DESERVE IT!

1 comment:

  1. I know--there was one acronym on there that I honestly do not remember ever having seen in my life. (I looked it up in the textbook after I was done, and it is in there, but it wasn't something we spent much if any time on.)
